Professional Staffing of Your Pool and Concessions
SwimSafe will take care of all the staffing and training required to completely operate your pool and concessions. That includes hiring, training and maintaining the lifeguards, pool managers, swim instructors, coaches, pool technicians, front desk workers, concession workers, and regional supervisors.
All potential candidates are screened and reviewed extensively before hiring. After joining the SwimSafe staff, each employee is continually trained in the most advanced aquatic methods including StarGuard Elite and ServSafe®, the food handling certification for our concession workers. Our regional Supervisors visit the pools a minimum of four times per week to oversee the processes at each facility, ensuring the highest standards are being met.

Constantly striving to make swimming at our facilities a more pleasing and enjoyable experience is a way of life at SwimSafe. You will feel and see the difference.
StarGuard-The Finest Lifeguard Training Available
SwimSafe trains all its lifeguards using the StarGuard Elite system, the most sophisticated and advanced program in existence. StarGuard uses an experiential learning platform blending online and on-site training that is concise, practical, and relevant in real-life situations. Lifeguard competency is developed through a holistic learning experience in which practical skills are integrated throughout the program. Special features of the program include:
- Lifeguard training must be renewed every year, versus the traditional two years
- Starguard Instructors and Instructor Trainers must attend an Instructor Development Course every two years to stay abreast of the ever changing industry.
- The SGE system offers support and ongoing training after course completion.
- SGE employs a medical director responsible for researching drowning response and prevention.
- SGE invests heavily in ongoing research and leadership development.
- SGE offers a Critical Incident Support Team for staff and customers.
- HSI partners with SGE to lead the way in CPR drowning protocol.
- SGE uses an evidence-based approach whenever possible and helps develop sound best practices, rather than recreating how things have always been done.
- SGE empowers training providers to work independently within a framework of best practice guidelines, rather than dictate or prescribe rigid procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why does SwimSafe use StarGuard Elite (SGE)?
We want our Lifeguards to have the highest level of safety training and support in the industry. The standards set forth by SGE keep our swimmers SAFER!
Our pool has had American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguards in the past, what differences will our members see? While the basic training is similar (in fact, ARC and SGE Lifeguards can work side by side as long as they practice the same Emergency Action Plan), the slight differences in the modules allows swimmers to be rescued and resuscitated quicker and keeps the guards safer. This training process fosters more professionalism, accountability, and vigilance.
I’ve never heard of SGE, is the certification accepted in Ohio and Kentucky?
SGE is one of five, nationally-recognized, certification agencies, which include SGE, the American Red Cross, Ellis & Associates, NASCO and the YMCA. An SGE certification is the equivalent of a lifeguard certification from each of these agencies. SGE is recognized in every jurisdiction in both the U.S. and worldwide.
The primary difference between SGE and other nationally and internationally recognized training and certification agencies is the wider breadth of content and higher level of service. SGE’s sole mission is aquatics and their goal is to reduce drowning and save lives, so they are always exploring new ways to deliver training and services.